Reasons to Consider Sculptra in 2023

woman getting filler

Looking your best can make you feel your best, but it can be difficult to feel that you look good if you keep zeroing in on the visible signs of aging. There’s no denying that one of the first places aging likes to leave its mark is on your face. However, biostimulants can be the answer to your problems.

Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved, dermal injection that helps stimulate the body’s natural process to produce collagen, which can be lost due to aging. It contains poly-L-lactic acid, which is a biocompatible substance that is also used in dissolvable stitches. It helps to replace lost collagen and gradually begins to create more over the course of a few weeks to months. This results in a more natural and youthful, voluminous face that appears gradually. There are many reasons to choose Sculptra over other dermal injections, such as Juvederm and Restylane. These other products work by injecting hyaluronic acid instead of poly-L-lactic acid, which acts as a “fertilizer” for collagen stimulation.

Sculptra Gives a Natural Look

One of the first signs of aging are wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and chin. Sculptra is a collagen stimulator that helps to repair the underlying structure of your skin. This adds fullness to the face and diminishes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

You likely will receive a series of four Sculptra Injections over a period of several weeks. The injections are performed in different directions to create a mesh-like pattern under the skin. The filler offers thorough coverage and can serve as a foundation upon which collagen can form.

Collagen development can take time, so it may be a few months before the improvements in the face fully set in. However, the gradual onset gives patients results that look more natural and less over-filled as time goes on. You’ll never look like you “overdid” it.

Sculptra Gives Long Lasting Improvement

Because it rebuilds the underlying infrastructure of the face by creating collagen, it offers results that last much longer than most competitors. You likely will notice the results for two years or more. Even if you decide not to repeat the treatment, you’ll still come out ahead in the aging process because of the extra collagen created by that one fluid facelift.

Sculptra Can Even Lift Your Butt

Sculptra is most often used to reverse signs of aging on the face, but it can also be used to perk up the buttocks! After your treatment, this filler generates collagen production, which lifts and tones the area over a period of months.

If you're interested in trading in your Restylane and Juvederm for Sculptra, our founder Erin Gordon, M.D. can help you! Simply contact us through our website today to begin the journey to a healthier and happier you.


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