The Ultimate Guide To The Plamere Plasma Pen

woman with zipper face

Have you recently noticed bags under your eyes or sagging skin under your neck? Side effects of ageing can drive you mad enough to consider surgery. But, what if we told you there was a non-invasive option?

Plasma pens can be used to treat sagging skin or wrinkles on any part of your neck, face, or body. These FDA-approved devices provide non-surgical rejuvenation by lifting and tightening your skin. Even better, the results are similar to those offered through surgery but create little down time.

How does it work?

It converts electrical energy into a plasma gas stream that is aimed at minute dots placed on your skin. The exact placement of these dots is decided beforehand, during your pre-treatment consultation.

When the plasma gas hits your skin, it will cause the skin to contract. This contraction of the skin results in an immediate firming effect. The plasma gas also stimulates your skin cells to ramp up their production of collagen and elastin. This will create a long-term tightening of the treated area. The plasma pen can be used anywhere on your body that you would like to experience non-surgical rejuvenation.

The plasma pen can be used to treat these areas:

• Fine lines and wrinkles throughout the face and body

• Upper and lower eyelids

• Crow’s feet

• Forehead and glabellar lines

• Perioral area and smoker lines

• Nasolabial folds

• Marionette and smile lines

• Jaw line

• Neck

• Stomach

• Stretch marks

• Age spots

( Crows Feet)

What are the benefits?

The most important benefit of the plasma pen treatment is the improvement in your skin’s appearance! Your skin will instantly look tighter, firmer, and less saggy. Your results will continue to increase during the 12 weeks after the treatment.

Depending on the area chosen the treatment will take as little as 60 to 90 minutes. However, addressing stretch marks may take up to two hours.

Because this is a non-surgical procedure, there is very little pain involved. You won’t even need general anaesthesia. We use a topical numbing cream that is enough to reduce the slight discomfort you may feel during your treatment.

Unlike many other non-surgical rejuvenation treatments the plasma pen gives you results that last. The effects from a treatment can last anywhere from two to four years, depending on how quickly your skin matures.

What is unique about the Plasma Pen?

Similar devices are often referred to as the Plasma Pen but are not the actual trademarked device. Other competitors' devices can be purchased from China for as little as $10 and are not true plasma technology. They are designed for personal skin tag and mole removal. These pens are not suitable for professional use and can be dangerous.

What can I expect after?

Downtime is very subjective. If you are comparing it to cosmetic surgery, then the downtime is minimal. Here are what previous client’s report:

Redness, swelling and scabbing in the treatment area

Average of 8 days downtime on the face and neck areas

Average of 10 to 14 days on the body, depending on the area being treated and the intensity of the treatment

Swelling usually begins the day following your treatment, and peaks around day 3

After day 3, swelling subsides and scabs form

Scabs normally begin to fall off around day 6 and 7 (for face and neck)

Please be aware that the days indicated are simply guidelines for average healing time. Healing time and results may be negatively compromised by not following the after care protocol: no drinking alcohol, no smoking and no picking/scrubbing.

If you are considering plasma pen treatments our founder Erin Gordon, MD can help you! Simply contact us through our website today to begin your journey to healthier skin.


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